Not many homes utilize a chimney these days, with the average person opting for an HVAC unit to keep them warm in the winter. That being said, you've never been one to support average. You know there's nothing quite like the warmth of a kindling fire on a cold day, and with autumn being just around the corner, you want to be prepared for the occasion.
However, you've run into a bit of a problem. Your chimney is currently not in a usable shape, and you need to figure out how to repair a chimney before the cold swoops in and leaves you shivering in your home.
Luckily, you can learn the nuances of chimney repair and have your brick chimney ready to go in no time. Keep reading this article to find out how to fix a chimney!
Step 1: Remove the Creosote Buildup
One of the first things you can do to have your chimney up to par is to remove the creosote buildup. Creosote is a type of oil that builds up over time as you use your chimney and can hinder your chimney's efficiency. It's highly flammable, and if too much has built up within the chimney it could catch on fire.
Make sure to have the creosote removed before you start your first fire.
Step 2: Reseal the Cracks

The next thing you'll want to do is reseal any cracks found around the chimney's outer regions. You'll need to buy a chimney sealer as well as a wet sealer to do the job properly.
First, apply the chimney sealer around the areas that are cracking on the chimney (you can do this by hand). After it dries, you can add the wet sealer to protect the chimney sealer from the elements.
Step 3: Replace the Chimney Cap
If your chimney has a cap installed, it may be time to replace it with a new one. Your chimney cap keeps water and outside debris from getting inside the chimney, but it's not much good if it's too worn down to do its job.
Make sure to take some time out to replace the cap so your chimney can continue to have the protection it needs!
We Know How to Repair a Chimney
Now that you know how to repair a chimney, you can be well aware of what your chimney needs to get back to pristine form. The next step is to figure out where to go to get the professional chimney services you need to repair your chimney.
At Rising Star Chimney, we can get you the help you need. We offer a wide selection of services, including general masonry services, fireplace and wood stove repairs, and multiple chimney repair services. With our expertise, your chimney will be ready to work in no time.
Ready to get started? Take a look around our site to find out more about what we do, or reach out to us to get a free estimate on your chimney needs. Let's get you ready for a warm winter season!